Performance personified has always been the name of the game for Babolat. Launching its new flagship shoe for 2018, the Babolat Jet Mach ll AC is a tech-savvy offering that is meant to hold up under the hardest of conditions. Endorsed by the likes of Ryan Harrison, Yuichi Sugita and Federico Delbonis, the Jet Mach ll AC doesn’t require a break-in period, but we do recommend going up half a size as the shoe is pretty narrow and form-fitting.

That said, the Jet Mach ll AC is a great evolution in the Jet series by Babolat. Added padding on the medial and outside of the shoe provide great movement around the court, while not feeling heavy at all. Coming in at 11.7 ounces, the Jet Mach ll AC also features less bulk in places that extra material is not needed. The result: a no-nonsense sneaker that will live up to the demands of day-in, day-out competition.
Featured in an orange and black color-way to begin 2018, this sleek silhouette is sure to become a hit with high-performance juniors and world-class professionals.
Based on a Michelin rubber out-sole like its predecessor and coupled with a one piece upper for a great feel throughout, the Jet Mach ll AC just got in line for one of the best tennis shoes of 2018.

For more on Babolat and there upcoming products, follow them on Instagram and Twitter.