Our traditional game devices rely heavily on their hardware components to process, store, and exchange online or offline data. The processing, storage, and data exchange happen within the devices, be it traditional game consoles, PCs, or phones. This often becomes too much load for the hardware to handle, resulting in lags or latency. The outcome, of course, is having to deal with a poor gaming experience.
Creating a great experience for gamers goes beyond having a beautiful interface. The interface must be very responsive as well. Unfortunately, only a few online gaming platforms, such as Awintura, have succeeded, but many still need help. But technology has not left us helpless. The advent of this computing technology could create a lasting solution to the menace of game lag.
So, let’s dig further into this technology and see the amazing promises it offers to gaming.
What Is Edge Computing and What Sets It Apart From Cloud?
The emergence of internet gaming and especially cloud computing, while useful in freeing up gaming hardware, hasn’t solved the latency problem.
Cloud technology is a centralized storage system that stores data over complex networks through data centers. They are located in distant locations, sometimes underground.
Imagine the time required to exchange information between the user and the cloud centers. While technology has made processing seem like a breeze, factors such as network congestion can interfere and slow the process. We are then back to the problem of latency.
The Edge technology, however, can cut down on such long processes. A distributed system brings computation and storage capabilities close to where data is generated and used.
What Are the Processes Involved in Edge Computing?
For an edge system to successfully execute the instruction you initiate, a series of processes are set into motion. Understanding these processes will help us better grasp how the system works and the features that make it a potential solution to the latency problem.
- Encoding: A game is made of video and audio components. When you start a game session, data from both components is captured and encoded on the local device and sent over a network to an edge data center;
- Decoding: Upon arrival, the captured game data is decoded and processed. The resulting video frames are rendered, compressed, and returned to the user’s device;
- The Streaming Process: Once the compressed data or video frame reaches the user’s device, it is again decompressed and displayed as the game’s visuals.
Note that the above processes happen in real-time and at such speed that you can’t tell if any such exchange ever occurred.
How Does Edge Computing Solve the Problem of Latency?
One primary difference between edge and cloud computing is that the former performs real-time processing, whereas the latter is primarily a storage facility. The difference mentioned above constitutes an elemental weakness behind the inability of cloud technology to eliminate the latency problem.
The cloud’s lack of real-time processing capacity and centralized nature bring several challenges to online gaming companies. Challenges include high network latency, jittering, and packet loss, significantly increasing the data round-trip delivery time and latency.
It is bad for business — for the user and the gaming industry alike.
Therefore, A practical solution will require that the processing burden be taken off hardware devices.
That is exactly the solution that the Edge technology offers. The system comprises small data facilities, or “Points of Presence (PoP).” These facilities are established in proximity to the end user. As a result, it reduces the time and distance required for data to travel to and from the data facility and the end user. Alternatively, activities such as game rendering, streaming, etc., will be performed at the PoP instead of from local devices.
With such innovative capabilities, gamers can enjoy a high-quality gaming experience with minimal latency, even on low-capacity devices. With latency cut down at such a rate, gaming satisfaction increases, leading to increased loyalty and better ratings. In return, the gaming industry makes more profit. And, of course, everyone is happy!
Act Now, Lead the Change
In summary, Edge computing does the heavy lifting for our devices, allowing us to enjoy our favorite game without limitation from our device’s processing or storage capacity. That is an excellent relief for game lovers who cannot afford heavy-duty graphic gadgets. So, what stops you from investing in edge technology if you’re a developer or game owner? What’s preventing you from joining the list of companies leveraging this fantastic technology to enhance their consumers’ gaming experience? Act now and be among the leaders driving this change.